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A Sharpie. A Children's Book.

And Some Brilliant People.


Have you feared guilt for accidently scribbling or writing in a published book? Well, my friends and family haven't- at least until I explained why they shouldn't... because "educational purposes", duh! If you're interested in the world of drawing all over classic chilren's books, then I engcourage you to continue scrolling. If not, I suggest you return to your mundane, comedy-ridden lives. 

to About
What I've Learned
The Process and the Products

For my final project I've chosen to engage in what I like to call "literary mischief!" The basis for my involvement in such shenanigans includes gathering a handful of subjects and asking them to remix, or rewrite, a children's story. Essentially, I 've given friends and family members the awesome opportunity to (appropriately) vandalize Little Golden Books with sharpies, colored markers, colored pencils, and crayons, in order to create a story of their own. 


My inspiration for this tomfoolery derives from the marvelous Kim Jaxon and my 11 year-old nephew, Dillon. Kim of course is the professor who is responsible for introducing me the art of remixing stories with the use of the book: "Battle Bunny". "Battle Bunny" I believe was intended to be written as "Birthday Bunny"; however, the authors grabbed a sharpie and remixed it from the piont of view of an elementary student, thus creating the awesome story of a bunny with an evil plan. Dillon is also responsible for this project because he is the first subject I thought of when I decided to experiment with remixing children's books. My nephew is an incredibly intelligent and imaginative kid, who excels in Star Wars sound effects and thinking of absurd occupations such as a Ninja Bus-Fighting Target Employee. I may be 100% biased, but I felt he was the perfect candidtate to commence the process of literary mischief!

What I've Learned

The Process and the Products

What All This Nonsense Is About... 

Click on the yellow play buttons to hear their remix stories read aloud!

You crazy hooligan, I like you! Now let me tell you what all this nonsense is about...

Written by my awesome nephew Dillon, "Mister Dog" gets remixed into "Barbaric Dog".

(Read by Leslie Eigle)

From "Little Cottontail" to "Little Cottontail With A Mean Streak A Mile Wide", remixed by my Dad, Russell. 

What was "The Perfect Picnic" became "The Perfect Date" because Rylee Theodore made it so. 

(Read by Leslie Eigle)

From "The Sailor Dog", Katie Raschein rewrites the story of "The Pirate Dog!"

(Read y Katie Raschein)

Enjoy the hilarous adventures of "Scruffy Da Thugboat" who once sailed as "Scuffy the Tugboat". 

(Read by Baron Yahn)

Listen to how Baret Yahn cleverly turned "The Red Hen" into "The Very Ripped Red Hen".

(Read by Leslie Eigle)

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